Tech Lesson
The Big Idea of this lesson is Hope. Art and technology are increasingly important for keeping this feeling alive during this pandemic. Isolation has led many to feel lonely, scared, and hopeless. Art has the healing power to transform disappointment and fear into hope through communal creation. Technology gives us the ability to communicate these feelings and share our creations with others. This particular lesson will give students the opportunity to create symbols of hope and piece together a virtual collage as a sign of unity in difficult times.
Students work individually to create their symbols of Hope. They use materials of their choice found in their home including colored pencils, markers, paint etc. They create a visual representation of Hope based off of their own experiences, reflecting on what this idea looks and feels like to them. Students photograph the work and upload the photo to the Google Drive Folder titled “Individual Symbols.”
Students work with partners to create a digital collage that symbolizes the symbols of Hope coming together to show Unity. Students use their classmates’ symbols to populate the collage. They create the collage with a computer program or website that allows multiple photographs to be joined. Once finished, they export their collage and upload it to the Google Drive folder “Community Collages.”
Students click through the “Community Collage” folder on Google Drive and briefly discuss the pieces. They are asked to reflect on the art making process, the use of technology, and the lesson’s theme. They consider how we can come together emotionally when we cannot physically be together and transform feelings of disappointment and fear into Hope.
The following documents were developed and used as guides for this technology-based lesson. Lesson Plan - Presentation